Level 2 Website Package

Step up your online presence with our Level 2 website package. With more features than Level 1, our platform integrates premium search engine optimization, providing everything your business requires for a boost online. By tailoring pages for your key services, we aim to enhance organic search traffic. Additionally, we can write compelling written copy, engaging visitors and transforming them into valuable leads, ultimately driving successful sales conversions.
Our Level 2 package includes Home, About Us, Contact Us, Contact Form, Map Link, Products/Services Page, Terms and Conditions, and Privacy Policy. The Products/Service page is limited to 10 items; however, more can be purchased.
Check out what the package includes below
Joomla CMS
Level 2 Content
Level 2 SEO
Each page of your website will contain information for SEO and search engine purposes.
Secure Server With SSL
Fast Hosting
Advanced Monitoring
Google Search Console
We will connect your website to Google.
Bing Webmaster
We will connect your website to Bing
We will create and submit your Sitemap.
Robot Text
We will optimize your Robot.txt file.
Link Building
We will build 20 foundational back-links.
Links Indexing
We will push your links out with LinksIndexer.
Speed Boost
We will use advanced software to speed up website load time.
Business Citations
We will perform Level 1 business citation service.